Database Engines

World and I School is an interdisciplinary resource. Among its features …

  • Over 2,000 articles on U.S. Foreign Policy, Civics & Government,U.S. and World History, Sociology.
  • A valuable Book Review Archive, Speech & Debate resources,Writers and Writing.
  • Collections on Scientists: Past & Present, Genes and Biotechnology, and the World of Nature.
  • Over 1,000 articles reviewing the creative output of artists and performers in the areas of music, art, dance, theater, architecture, and crafts.
  • Articles in Spanish from Tiempos del Mundo, includes audio version, exercises, and translation,
    as well as cultural studies of Latin American countries in English.

World Book Web

World Book Web School and Library Edition, tailored for students 9-14 years old, includes all the articles from the print versions of The World Book Encyclopedia and The World Book Student Discovery Encyclopedia, plus thousands of additional articles and learning resources.

The NetTrekker d.i.

America’s # 1 educational search engine is trusted by more than 12 million K-12 students, educators, and parents. With netTrekker d.i., users can easily connect to over 300,000 of the best online resources organized by grade level and readability. Each resource is carefully selected by educators to ensure it is safe, age-appropriate and 100% academically relevant.

Snag Learning

Documentaries by grade level and content areas.
Areas Covered include history, science, foreign language, culture, geography and social studies.


Features video talks about science, technology, entertainment, global issues, business and design.


EBSCOhost databases and discovery technologies are the most-used, premium online information resources for tens of thousands of institutions worldwide, representing millions of end-users

Art cyclopedia

The Art cyclopedia is an index of online museums and image archives: find where the works of over 8000 different fine artists can be viewed online.

Encyclopedia Smithsonian

Online Resources from A to Z. Art & Design, Science & Technology, History & Culture, Kids’ Favorites, Mysteries of the Universe, A Biodiverse Planet, World Cultures, The American Experience.

Purdue Online Writing Lab

The Purdue University Online Writing Lab serves writers from around the world and the Purdue University Writing Lab helps writers on Purdue’s campus.